Hancock Delta welcomes first Hatch (and says Hi to MN Bound)

Delta first hatch and MN Bound first hatch

I thought it would be fun to put pictures of the two chicks side-by-side.  The Delta chick on the left hatched at about noon today and the MN Bound chick on the right named Harmony hatched last evening.  Two cuties for sure!

One thought on “Hancock Delta welcomes first Hatch (and says Hi to MN Bound)”

  1. I just want to say thank you for this wonderful site. I discovered the wonderful world of raptors, especially eagles, while in FL this winter. I found and have been following the SWF eagle cam in Ft Myers. They have now fledged and will soon be leaving the area. I was going through eagle withdrawal until I found your site. I love it. Your emails are great. I can keep up with so many cams all over the country. I watch on my iPad so can’t get all the cams (need flash drive), but I can still read about them and follow what’s happening. So much activity now with all the hatches coming. I live alone and it’s nice, with your help, to invite these great eagle families into my home. I’m also keeping up with the Hancock Canadian Goose nest. Thank you, thank you.

    Sandy Stricklin
    Omaha, NE

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