A first hand account of E8’s rescue, with video!

Lorelei, one of the 3 wonderful young women who found and rescued E8, has written up the story of the search for and rescue of E8, and has posted it on her Facebook page.  It is a most wonderful story and she includes a video with pictures of E8 during the rescue.  Thanks are just not enough for these intrepid young ladies!  Here is a link to her Facebook post   https://www.facebook.com/byloreleiInc/posts/1088981134501761 – you should be able to see the post even if you don’t generally use Facebook, you won’t need to login in to see the story.  (for those who are seeing this post on Facebook, many of the Eagleholic News followers do not always use Facebook, so that note was for them)


9 thoughts on “A first hand account of E8’s rescue, with video!”

  1. These 3 gals deserve the ‘medal of honor’ 😀 Awesome that they recorded it all, cant wait to watch this video. I’m praying every day 8 grows strong enough to be released, bless his sweet heart.
    Thanks Twizz!

    1. I would like to also add that I was becoming friends with Nora Lang on our SPO site. I always enjoyed her posts and pics and we started having conversations by phone, email and messaging about her experiences observing Ozzie and Harriet and the babies, along with advice on the best camera equipment and cruises to Alaska. She told me how she and Desiree(and others) would sit for countless hours watching the nest and finally her anguish over Ozzie and his injury. We were planning a trip for me to come and finally meet her and her beloved friends.
      I know we were all devastated over her untimely passing, a beautiful soul and advocate for our eagles, gone all too soon.
      The three of you and those who helped have the same beautiful empathy and compassion that I felt with Nora. Thank you for carrying on the legacy that many others pass on including our IWS friends. I had the privilege of meeting them in 2013 along with a tour of the Catalina nests. It would be a privilege to meet you someday as well.

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