Today’s update on E8’s recovery

Here’s what CROW posted on their Facebook page earlier today about the status of recovering eaglet E8:

“E8 has been quiet, alert and responsive and has not regurgitated any food the last couple of days and was fed soft pieces of rat today. E8 was observed to be hock sitting and for the remainder of the time is in the prone position (laying flat with the chest down and back up) and has been moved to a larger enclosure to encourage movement. Although positive signs, E8 is still receiving pain medication and remains in critical and guarded condition. Thanks for your endless support.”

7 thoughts on “Today’s update on E8’s recovery”

    1. thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I couldn’t read the whole article since I was getting errors on their webpage. But an interesting read as far as I got.

      1. I read the whole article. It talked about why people cannot handle watching cams when things get violent ( as you probaly already know). One point i found interseting was when it mentioned about the viewers that snuck into the swfl nest area and left roast in their in the middle of the night.

  1. Do you know why the female eagle is still sitting on the Hanover nest? Is the egg that did not hatch still there? Every time I look I see the adult sitting.

    Thank You Karen

    Sent from Samsung tablet

  2. Just in case the rescuers do not see the one on SW FL.sight, I would like to post this on here so they will surely see it one way or another
    “THANK YOU ALL so much for all the hard work you have done and all the scratches and things you went through to get to our E8. You are to be rewarded BIG TIME ! You girls risked your life to save E8 and we all will be grateful for you for the rest of our lives and so will E8, hope you can be repaid for all your time and trials you went through,I know it wasn’t easy but you stuck it out .THANK YOU SO MUCH,just can not be grateful enough.

  3. Encouraging news isnt it. Seeing the Flickr photos earlier tonight, it is amazing, maybe miraculous he was found, unbelieveable!! There truly is ‘angels on earth’. ❤

  4. So sad about E8 but at least they are taking good care of him at Crow.
    I’m sure he will thrive & be out flying high soon. Thank you for keeping us informed. Your a gem.

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